hared community ownership is a major new approach for renewable energy developers; an opportunity to engage productively with local communities and open up new finance sources. The Community Energy Strategy says:

We expect that by 2015 it will be the norm for communities to be offered the opportunity of some level of ownership of new, commercially developed onshore renewables projects.

The renewables industry and the community energy sector have committed to work together to realise this vision, working together in the Shared Ownership Taskforce (of which a CEE director is deputy chairman) to establish the voluntary protocol, which is now in force. In case this framework is not sufficiently widely followed, the government has taken powers to make it mandatory in the “Community Electricity Right” in the Infrastructure Act 2014. CEE's seminar is designed to enable communities and commercial developers to understand the implications of all this.


This  series of events is the first where developers and communities can meet together to explore how shared ownership can work for them. Speakers include representative of developers, community groups and DECC. The event covers:

  • An overview and recommendations of the Shared Ownership Taskforce
  • The experience from Europe – a developer’s perspective and experience
  • The community perspective and experience
  • Making shared ownership work from a legal point of view

We include plenty of time for questions and debate.


  • £25 +VAT Community Members CEE
  • £95+VAT Corporate Members CEE
  • £295+VAT Non Members CEE

Book early, because places are limited.