The Naturesave Trust has, over the past 20 years, tirelessly supported the growing community renewable energy community through small start-up grants and shares, that have assisted these organisations in realising their objectives. From grants to assist with start-up costs including the production of share prospectuses and through advice from its insurance arm Naturesave Policies Ltd, they have funded in excess of £275,000 of funds which have directly and indirectly helped community renewable energy organisations achieve their aspirations.

Through the collaboration of the Company and the Trust, Naturesave has sought and succeeded in assisting those community renewable energy organisations in linking their needs to establish renewable energy systems that can help deal with climate change.
Naturesave Policies Ltd seeks to use the insurance industry as a vehicle for sustainable development through its donations to the Naturesave Trust for which they were awarded the Queens Award for Enterprise (Sustainable Development) in 2011 in recognition of their endeavours.

Community Energy Funding Award winner - Matthew Van Den Elst of
Naturesave Trust and Insurance receiving award from Ollie Pendered
Naturesave said, “We were very flattered to be nominated for the Community Energy Funding award and were delighted to win it. The community energy sector has had a roller coaster of a year and those groups who are making it happen, have shown how powerful the community spirit is and we are delighted to be part of it”