Membership with Community Energy England will demonstrate your commitment to the success of the broader community energy sector, open up valuable connections with sector practitioners and stakeholders, and allow you to shape our priorities and strategy.

This pages lists the types of membership we offer. For more information on the value of membership and its role in supporting the community energy sector and our work on the sector's behalf, please click here.

Most organisations actively involved in the community energy sector in England are members, as you can see here.

As Community Energy England is a membership body, fees are a significant and valued part of our income, helping us continue our work and ensure our contribution to the sector's success is sustainable. Our fees are structured to reflect organisations of all types and levels of income. We are a not-for-profit organisation with all income used to fund our organisation and its activites working on behalf of the community energy sector. If you have any questions about fees or membership before joining, please contact us here.

Community Membership is for practitioner organisations - see here for more details.

We have created a range of other membership types to cover all our other valued members:

  • Corporate
  • Local Authority
  • Public and Third Sector
  • Individual
  • Principal Supporter

When you are ready to join us, please use this form to apply.

Corporate Membership

Corporate members are public or private for-profit companies, firms or partnerships. Our standard annual Corporate membership fee is £1,100. Join us here.

Showing your support for Community Energy England will give you credibility within the sector when approaching potential clients and other stakeholders, by demonstrating that not only are you active and experienced with community energy you have also chosen to support the broader success of the sector and help it to thrive. You will be able to use our "I'm a Member" logo to illustrate this in your communications, website and other literature; most experienced organisations active in the community energy sector in England are members of Community Energy England, so will understand the significance of this. Your organisation will also be featured as a supporter on our website and member map, allowing practitioners within the sector to find you and your services more easily.

We have recently created a “How To” section on our website with lots of information and guidance for community energy organisations. We are keen to work with corporate members to develop guides and information to feature in How To that will help practitioners and stakeholders learn and develop projects, as well as showcasing our corporate members' expertise and the services they offer.

Local Authority Membership

Membership of Community Energy England represents a valuable way for local authority, parish, town or city councils to publicly demonstrate their commitment to supporting the community energy sector, signalling intent or building on existing support mechanisms and partnerships they are involved in. Join us here.

Turnover RangeAnnual Fee
Town and Parish Council £165
District Borough and City Council£275
County Councils, Metropolitan Councils and London Boroughs £1,100

Public & Third Sector Membership

Public Members are organisations such as national government departments, housing associations and Third Sector Members are non-governmental/campaigning organisations and charities. As with other types, membership is a public demonstration of support for the community energy sector and opens up the potential for greater collaboration with Community Energy England. Our standard annual Public & Third Sector membership fee is £550. Join us here.

Individual Membership

If you are an individual who is active in the community energy sector but not attached to an organisation, or you just want to support our work further, you can donate through our Golden Giving page or become an Individual Member. As an individual, you will become part of our broad network and member community, but you will not have the right to vote in our AGM since this is given only to organisations. Our standard annual Individual Membership fee is £110. Join us here.

Principal Supporter Membership

Principal Supporters are members from any type who have provided us with valuable funding and work closely with us as strategic partners, providing us with higher levels of co-operation and support.

We would welcome principal sponsorship from any organisation looking to support the growth of community energy. For those organisations who are able to contribute further to our activities, we offer principal sponsorship for £5,500.

Join us here or find out more about Principal Supporter Membership here.

Photo: Westmill