Share Offers

Community Energy England is neither qualified nor authorised to offer investment advice. Nor has it vetted or endorsed any of the opportunities shown on this website. Those interested in participating should make their own assessment of each offer, should take note of any risk factors described in the documents, and may wish to take independent financial advice.

Share Offers

SE24 Sustainable Energy

Since 2016 SE24 have had a track record of delivering solar PV and LED installations in southeast London and meeting our shareholders’ expectations on returns. Now they have a new opportunity for investors in their largest fundraising yet.

SE24 are aiming to double their portfolio, adding three new solar PV projects and three new LED projects, mainly at schools in South East London. Their projects are in Southwark and at schools providing services to children with special educational needs in Bexley.

The projects will generate enough energy to power 100 homes and reduce carbon emissions by the equivalent of 40 cars. They will save schools money while offering investors a return of 4%.

To get to their £420,000 target they need more investors in their share offer which launches on 25 June and closes on 18 July.

For more information email our company secretary on

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Share Offers

South East London Community Energy - Launch 4th Share Offer

This share offer is open and will support lighting system upgrades in community buildings, reducing their energy bills and carbon footprint. 

Between 5th of June to the 30th September 2024, through community finance, we are raising £41,438 (of £187,557) for 1,800 light bulbs and fittings which we will lease to 5 community buildings in Greenwich and Lewisham.

To support this project and own a community share in Selce you can invest between £250 and £20,000.  Join Selce and make your savings work for the planet, the community and for you!

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Share Offers

Bristol Energy Coop Launches their 10th Share Offer

Through this latest community share offer, BEC hopes to raise £1 million. The co-operative will use these funds for working capital to support development activities and to finance the growth of its renewable energy portfolio. The intention for these investments is to add one megawatt of solar energy to projects over the next year. 

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Share Offers

Grimsby Community Energy - Community Share Offer

Over the last eight years Grimsby Community Energy have raised £444,732 of investment to deliver renewable energy across Grimsby, Cleethorpes and North East Lincolnshire, installing 534kW of solar PV (photovoltaic) panels for community organisations, generating 157MWh of clean electricity and saving 184t of CO2.

This place-based approach to energy generation means local community organisations pay less for their energy and everyone who invests in Grimsby Community Energy has a vote in the running of our society. 

This new share offer is an ‘open offer’ without a closing date, so that people can support them financially whenever they are able to.

You can invest from as little as £100 (option for instalments) up to a maximum of £80,000 to help them raise £500,000 and achieve their target of one megawatt of solar PV for Grimsby. 

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Share Offers

Congleton Community Solar - BECOME A GREEN INVESTOR

DVCE-CP (Dane Valley Community Energy-Congleton Park Ltd) is embarking on a new renewable energy initiative to harness power from roof based solar panels which we will install on schools and commercial properties in Congleton, wider Cheshire and North Staffordshire.

The project will reduce energy costs for participating sites including schools as well as provide an educational resource to increase environmental and sustainability awareness.

Surplus funds will also benefit local community projects. 

This is an opportunity for you to generate a projected 5% return on your investment and have your capital returned over 15 years. You can invest from £100 to £50,000 (institutional investors can invest up to £100,000). Our aim is to raise £530,000. The offer will close at the end of October 2023. 

For a share offer and business plan including full details of the project, benefits and risks we invite you to visit or click on the link below.

* Our hydro scheme has generated 380 MWh of green electricity in under 2 years of operation and has already raised £9000 to community projects.  We are proud that the UK government chose to use our scheme as the poster child for its new £10M development fund to support community energy. 

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Share Offers

Grimsby Community Energy's 4th community share offer

Grimsby Community Energy's 4th community share offer is now open for investment. Their offer is to fund solar PV installations at the CATCH Industrial Training Centre, and at YMCA Humber's Orwell Street building.

Grimsby Community Energy are a cooperative, run by members, who are dedicated to bringing community energy projects to their local area. With solar PV already operating at E-Factor, St Andrew's Hospice and the new YMCA Humber building on Freeman Street, they are now looking to build on their success.

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Share Offers

Big Solar Co-op Share Offer

Our new rolling share offer is open!Our first share offer ended in December 2022 with a total raised of £840k. This got us a long way down the road of what we needed to secure in order to deliver on our front runner sites. ut things are moving pretty fast in Big Solar Co-op land. With Dean (our new Client Lead) now in place we are progressing some very promising solar sites and we need to make sure we have the funds in place to finance them. We've seen a lot of interest in shares since we closed our first share offer so we are hopeful that this new offer will see a great take-up. 

There are a few changes to our share offer structure and terms. Firstly, we have revised our interest policy to be more in line with our governing document. We will now aim to pay interest of 5% (or 2% above the base rate if higher). This new policy applies to all shares including those already issued. We project that it will take a few years to ramp up interest payments to this level but we hope that the new target will help ethical investors to take the plunge. 

The other major change to our share offer is that it is now a rolling offer - there is no planned end date and we will issue shares on a quarterly basis.

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Share Offers

Brighton Energy Cooperative

Brighton Energy Coop have launched their latest share offer - to fund 578kWp of new community-owned solar PV at Rathfinny Wine Estate in Sussex.

They have teamed up with Rathfinny - the latest of our more than 40 solar landlords - to host nearly 2000 solar panels. This will be BEC's biggest solar system to date and will generate power for the winery buildings, shop and accommodation. 

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Share Offers

Bath and West Community Energy

Bath and West Community Energy have a share offer which supports them to deliver clean local energy, community-owned for the common good.

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