National community energy map

In 2022 we created a national map with the most comprehensive dataset of community energy organisations and projects in England. The map contains all the data we have on sites of community energy activity, primarily renewable energy generation but also some energy advice and energy efficiency services. The map also includes sites of projects funded by the Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF, now closed) provided by the five Net Zero Hubs in England.

We will also be using our fresh dataset of community energy sites provided by organisations in our new State of the Sector data portal to update the map, and will be clear on this page when this update has happened.

If you would like to read more about State of the Sector, please click here.

Take me to the map

Some guidance on how to use the map

The map contains multiple layers, which can be viewed separately or together by selecting from the menu on the left of the map. 

As well as the CEE and RCEF project datasets, there are also additional area or political boundaries which may be useful to you:

  • Projects - Click to see RCEF and wider national commnunity energy project locations (2 layers)
  • Regional boundaries - Click to see the relevant region or Net Zero Hub area (1 Layer)
  • MP constituencies (pre-2024) - Click to see political party or representative data for the area (1 Layer)
  • Local authourity boundaries - Click to add Unitary, District, and Metropolitan boundaries (4 Layers)
  • DNO boundaries - Click to add distribution network operator boundaries (1 Layer)

Some final notes on using the map

  • All layers are optional to click on or off
  • Markers and pins showcase community energy locations
  • Projects are colour coded by technology type for easy filtering
  • You can also search for specific projects by name through the search tool
  • Click on markers to find additional basic and contact information
  • You could use pin counts and screenshots of the map as evidence for funding