Manchester has a growing number of community groups involved in the delivery of local sustainable energy projects. These groups are part of the 400 groups nationally within the community energy sector working in their neighbourhoods to reduce emissions and support households with their energy bills.
A growing number of cities - such as Oxford, Bristol, London - have active community energy programmes in place which are supporting groups deliver renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy advice project to their local communities. This event will look to highlight work already underway in the Greater Manchester area and examine routes to boost community energy activity over the coming decade and set Manchester on the right trajectory to to achieve its Net Zero by 2038.
Wednesday June 16th ONLINE 10 am - 12pm.
Session 1: The need for greater community action in the climate crisis
10am. Welcome Chair (Syed Ahmed, Chair, Community Energy London (CEL)
- Andy Burnham, Mayor Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) [TBC Invited]
- Kate Gilmarten, Rural Community Energy Fund North West and My Green Investment
- Helen Seagrave, Electricity North West
- Further speakers to be announced
- Q&A
Session 2: Community Energy in Action11am Chair Syed Ahmed
- Carbon Co-op – Jonathan Atkinson (Retrofit)
- Tanuja Pandit, Power Up North London (PUNL)
- Further speakers to be announced
- Q&A
12pm Close
#WeThePower #CommEnergyManchester
The UK has a 2050 Net Zero target in place and Greater Manchester has a more ambitious trajectory of achieving this goal by 2038. The Committee on Climate Change has highlighted the significant role that the public will need to play in helping achieve these targets. The shift to new heating technologies (heat pumps/heat networks), electric vehicles, increased use of public transport, and even dietary choices will all need public acceptance.
Community –led energy projects can not only play an important role in bringing forward these new energy solutions, but community groups are also trusted intermediaries better able to ‘hand hold’ households as these technologies are rolled across streets and neighbourhoods.
A Client Earth survey of August 2018 found that “Almost three quarters of consumers would be interested in joining a community energy scheme if the government made it easier”.