Saving Energy in Community Buildings - free workshop

16/07/2024to 17/07/2024 10am-12.30pm

At this event you will learn:

  • What are the enablers of ‘green wins’ in voluntary organisations?

  • How do buildings waste energy and what can you do about it?

  • What barriers do VCFSE organisations face to decarbonising, and what can you do to bring about organisational and cultural change?

Using our tailored workbook, you will develop an action plan for energy saving and decarbonisation tailored to your vision and mission and ready to present back at your organisation.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone in a voluntary, community, faith or social enterprise organisation with responsibility for buildings, budgets, or organisational strategy.

 Places are limited, so book now! 

This workshop will be delivered by: Phil Beardmore, Energy Confidence; and Steph Vidal-Hall, Good Work Coop.

Book your place here.