Working in partnership with business and civil society, the government is introducing the first ever Green Great Britain Week – an annual week designed to highlight the opportunities clean growth offers the UK and raise understanding of how business and the public can contribute to tackling climate change.
Launching on 15 October 2018, Green Great Britain Week will showcase the benefits clean growth will bring to all parts of society, from new jobs to cleaner air, and highlight the 10th anniversary of the Climate Change Act.
BEIS announced that the Week will feature a series of events to showcase the leading role of the UK’s civil society, academic community and businesses in new low carbon technologies, innovative financial products and business models that will help us tackle climate change while generating economic growth. It will also provide a focal point to promote British clean businesses to international investors.
The week will also look to promote a number of trends and issues, including UK leadership on climate change, the latest climate science, the clean technologies of future, the financing of the low carbon economy, clean growth as a business opportunity, and climate action in communities.
A detailed programme for the week is under development and the plan is to bring together "a diverse range of businesses, civil society groups and government to tell the story of clean growth and how acting to tackle climate change is a shared endeavour, delivering a week of activity that involves all parts of the country".
BEIS will release further details on how it envisages the campaign promoting how "the global move to cleaner economic growth - through low carbon technologies and the more efficient use of resources - is one of the greatest industrial opportunities of our time".
One of the week's high profile events showcasing the most innovative work of community energy enterprises in the UK will be the annual Community Energy Awards on Friday 19th October at The Arnolfini in Bristol. In light of this announcement and the publication of key consultations affecting the sector, it will be more important than ever to showcase what community energy has achieved over the last year. Please put forward your submissions by 29th July and register to attend the ceremony.