Sample MP email/letter

Sample Tweet

The new Labour government is hugely supportive of community energy which is embedded in its energy policy and 1/3 of the remit of the popular Great British Energy company plans. Labour has an outright majority. The Lib Dems and Greens have also pledged to support community energy. The 49 Labour Coop MPs fought on a platform that always mentioned Labour's pledge to double the size of the cooperative economy and support community energy.

But a significant proportion of the new MPs, including Labour MPs, will not know about community energy or that their party has committed hundreds of millions of support for it over the next 5 years. We need to enlist those MPs as community energy champions in parliament. We need the lots of endorsements from and photographs of MPs waving on a community energy rooftops. 

There are around 300 MPs who represent seats with community energy projects in them across the UK. That is a huge potential power-base if all of them can recognise the power and potential of our sector to enable the energy transition and bring benefit to their communities.

Ed Miliband MP, and prospective parliamentary candidates Joe Powell and Ryan Jude on North Kensington Community Energy rooftop at Westway Leisure Centre

Why harnessing our MPs is key

Already, community energy friendly MPs have helped us get questions asked and meet ministers. More half the MPs in the previous parliament supported the Local Electricity Bill. An 'All Party Parliamentary Group on Community Energy' was recently formed. We have built profile and recognition in Westminster. But there is rebuilding to be done after the General Election. The good news is that Labour is fully behind community energy.

We will be working closely with the new government and partners to make sure policy is developed and implemented in a way that will support community energy best. And to ensure the right support and policies are in place to enable community energy to grow exponentially again. 

Make your MP a community energy champion

MPs can only really respond to people and projects in their constituencies. So we are asking community energy people and organisations (you!) to connect with and make an ally of your MP, whatever their political complexion and whether you like them or not. Invite them to visit your project and to invest in it, to share-issues and project launches, take and share good pictures (with the aim of getting them featured prominently on their website, Facebook page, into their newsletters), tag them in social media, update them on progress, get them wanting to boast about you in Parliament. Also ask them to do things for you - ask parliamentary questions, write to ministers. Then they will be much more willing to champion the sector or your project when we need them.

Please (and also mobilise supporters to) email, write to or tweet your MP, urging them to visit your project and champion community energy in the House; you can adapt our suggested letter to do this. Please explain why community energy is great - (benefits to your local community) - and, as a trusted intermediary, the key to engaging the wider community to actively participate in the urgent energy transition. Attach the CEE Parliamentary Briefing.

Your MP can be found at (where you can also send them a message). Full contact details, and how MPs prefer to be addressed, is available at

Please write to local newspapers in the same vein.

Rachel Blake, Labour Coop Parliamentary Candidate for the Cities of London and Westminster, with Cllr Jason Pritchard and Syed Ahmed, Chair of Community Energy London at Aldgate Solar Power

Sample email/letter congratulating your MP.

If you are active over several constituencies you can write to all those MPs. Their campaign contacts and social media handles may still be available on for a while until MP email addresses have been set up which you’ll be able to find at Please also connect with them on social media as well as by email. 

Please adapt the draft below so that it feels comfortably your own words and includes local references. BE SURE TO MODIFY OR DELETE ALL THE SECTIONS IN SQUARE BRACKETS!!! The draft uses 'We' thoughout assuming you are writing on behalf of your organisation of multiple people. Please amend if this isn't right. If you don't have a site suitable for a visit, please ask for a meeting or arrange to attend one of your MPs regular surgeries. See our guide to site visits


Dear [Use their first name at this stage] 

Congratulations on being elected as our MP! Thank you for your party’s commitment to community energy and putting people at the heart of the energy transformation. [IF APPLICABLE. THE CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO DID NOT MENTION COMMUNITY ENERGY] 

We write from [NAME OF YOUR CE ORGANISATION] active in your constituency. [ADD brief details of your work/benefits to local people]

We would like to invite you to visit to see our work and the multiple benefits community energy delivers, including to your constituents.

As I’m sure you know, Labour has pledged the largest support ever to grow the cooperative sector, especially community energy. The Local Power Plan commits up to £400m a year in low interest loans to communities to identify, develop and construct community-led and owned energy projects supported by £600m a year in grants to local authorities. The aim is 8GW of new local, cheap, clean power (the equivalent of more than 2 nuclear power stations), 20,000 projects, 1 million new energy owners, thousands of new local jobs, real local economic, social and community benefit - “growing the economy from the bottom up” and as Kier Starmer promised “unlocking the potential of every community.” 

[IF YOUR MP IS A LIB DEM YOU COULD ADD: The Lib Dem manifesto committed to work to reach net zero by 2045, to expand community energy, enable community energy organisations to sell electricity to local people and remove planning restrictions on new onshore wind. Thank you!

[IF YOUR MP IS A CONSERVATIVE YOU COULD ADD:  The Conservative government launched the Community Energy Fund in 2023 but regrettably made no mention of community energy in their manifesto.

Our future plans include [ADD DETAILS IF POSSIBLE OR DELETE]


  • We would like to invite you to visit our project at [ADD DETAILS including best times for you - Fridays and weekends or during Summer recess, late July to early Sept are best for MPs] to show you what we do and the benefit that is delivered to constituents and the climate.
  • Please endorse community energy and our project in your speeches and comms.
  • Please join the campaign for ‘right of local supply’ so that we can sell our electricity to local people and start to balance local supply and demand reducing the need for expensive grid reinforcement and inefficient centralised generation. If you have not already, please join the Local Electricity Bill campaign by contacting Before the election it was supported by more than half of all MPs

We look forward to working closely with you and hope you will champion community energy and our project in parliament.

Yours sincerely

[YOUR ADDRESS WITH A POSTCODE IN THE CONSTITUENCY (can be of your project if you don’t live in the constituency) 

Please copy in so we can track who's been contacted,

Thank you!



Please do tweet from your organisation’s account if possible. You can find MP Twitter handles here but for a while after the election it may be necessary to use their campaigning twitter handle: Please ADD A PICTURE (essential - use one of your project ideally and 'tag' people in it to increase reach), personalise with relevant # and @.

Please don't delete the dot at the beginning. Replace the dots at the end with text, links, @ and #

.@[MPtwitterhandle...] Congrats on being elected our MP!

Please visit our project soon so that we can show you the huge benefit #communityenergy can bring your constituents, which can now increase thanks to support offered in the Local Power Plan.

@Comm1nrg @Power4PeopleUK