Reports and publications produced or supported by Community Energy England.

See our 2022 Annual Report here

See our 2022 Policy and Advocacy Highlights here

See our most recent State of the Sector Report here.

Community Energy Member/Investor Reach & Impact Report 2022 

This report details the results of a survey of the members, supporters, investors and volunteers of community energy organisations. The results add new evidence to our understanding of the reach and impact of community energy organisations, i.e. what secondary impacts or changes flow from people’s involvement and engagement.

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State of the Sector UK report 2021 

This report focuses on progress in and barriers facing community energy in 2020, the ambition of the sector, and the importance of community energy for achieving both net zero and a green recovery. The report provides evidence-based recommendations to policy-makers and stakeholders on how the sector can meet its potential.

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CSE - North East Community Energy Study (2021) 

A report from Centre for Sustainable Energy, with CEE input, looking at why North East England has fewer community energy projects and how more communities could become engaged.

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CSE - Exec Summary - North East Community Energy Study 

A report from Centre for Sustainable Energy, with CEE input, looking at why North East England has fewer community energy projects and how more communities could become engaged. (This is the executive summary).

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CEL - Cities and Community Energy (2021) 

A report by Community Energy London and CEE, supported by the MCS Charitable Foundation, which focuses on opportunities for the greater collaboration of mayors and councils in England’s cities with community energy groups to drive forward projects to tackle the climate emergency, as well as groups helping deliver local climate action, and supporting wider behavioural change activities on emissions reduction, a critical component to achieve net zero.

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Annual Report 2020 

Our 2020 annual report report explains the work we've done throughout the year to represent and support our members and help the community energy sector to develop and grow. We're proud of what our small team achieves and feel strongly that we need to be transparent with our members and stakeholders about what we set out to do and the impact we have.

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