You are invited to the inaugural meeting of the Northwest region of Community Energy England.
Wednesday 10th September, the Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BT
17:30-19:00- North West Community Energy Networking event
The idea is to bring together various practitioners and professionals involved in community energy and renewable energy in the North West and also people who own/manage property that could be used to develop solar projects (schools, council buildings, churches). This will bring together people with different skills and expertise, technical knowledge of renewables, experience of setting up and running coops, finance and those people who have successfully delivered a project and those struggling to get one of the ground!
This will be followed by the official launch of Liverpool Community Renewables Ltd - with thanks to Transition Town Liverpool
19:30-21:00 Liverpool Community Renewables Launch event
LCR is a newly established Society for the Benefit of the Community aiming to make community owned renewable energy a reality in Merseyside. This will consist of brief presentations and Q&A.