Here is a record of the policy responses we have submitted and our position on subjects that are receiving the attention of legislators. 

CEE's response to Ofgem's Access and Forward-looking Charges Significant Code Review 

In August 2021 CEE responded to Ofgem's Consultation on Minded to Positions, supporting the overall objectives of this SCR as a step to ensuring that network charging and management can support the necessary transition towards net-zero.

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CEE response to the government's Nationally Determined Contributions for COP26 

Climate ambition is futile if people and communities don’t buy into and participate in the action.

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CEE's response to the Chancellor's Spending Review, Jan 2021 

The importance of people and communities is praised, but community energy is ignored in the Spending Review

Community energy has come to expect warm words and cold shoulders from government.

In announcing the Spending Review, the Chancellor placed great emphasis on "Encouraging the individual and community brilliance on which a thriving society depends". However he omitted to extend to any enabling support for brilliant community energy groups which stand ready to mobilise thousands of passionate, knowledgeable local people and millions in investment in local solutions for the vital energy transition to zero-carbon.

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CEE response to the Environmental Audit Committee call for evidence on Community Energy 

On 19 March 2021, CEE, CEW and CES jointly submitted this response alongside many other CE groups. Their and other responses can be found at The subsequent oral evidence session on 14 April can be viewed at

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CEE response to Ofgem's consultation on the Energy Redress Scheme 

On 11 February we asked Ofgem to extend the elibility to receive grants from this scheme from only charities to include community energy.

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