Here is a record of the policy responses we have submitted and our position on subjects that are receiving the attention of legislators. 

CEE response to the government's Net Zero Review. 

On 8 September Liz Truss commissioned Chris Skidmore MP to conduct a Review of its "approach to net zero to ensure it is pursuing the most economically efficient path to meeting its climate change commitments." and that it is "delivering net zero in a way that is pro-business and pro-growth."

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Letter to BEIS Sec of State about Energy Prices Bill 

CEE wrote to Jacob Rees-Mogg to urge that community energy be exempted from the Cost-Plus Revenue Limit within the Energy Prices Bill.

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CEE response to BEIS' Review of Electricity Market Arrangements' (REMA) 

BEIS is looking at how to reform the electricity wholesale markets to achieve net zero in the power system by 2035 and increase localisation.

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CEE response to Ofgem's RIIO-ED2 Business Plan Draft Determinations consultation 

In Ofgem's first response to DNOs' business plans for the ED2 period 2023-28, they rejected many DNOs' proposals to support community energy and reduced their ambition and ability to invest for Net Zero.

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Letter to the BEIS Secretary of State about funding for community energy 

This letter outlines the critical funding 'gap' for feasibility and development of projects that will result from the ending of the Rural Community Energy Fund in March 2022 - and urges the SoS to extend and expand the scheme. (Please write to your MP in support of this ask.

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Follow up to BEIS Sec of State letter 

On 1 April we chased our previous letter to the Secretary of State

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