Here is a record of the policy responses we have submitted and our position on subjects that are receiving the attention of legislators.
You can download any of these responses as a PDF from this page. For a .docx version, please email Josh at

Policy Proposals from CEE response to ESNZ call for evidence
In our response to the ESNZ committee's call for evidence on unlocking community energy, we made a series of policy proposals which you can read here.
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CEE response to ESNZ Committee call for evidence: Unlocking community energy at scale
The Energy Security and Net Zero Committee put out a call for evidence on unlocking community energy at scale. In the past, committee reports based on these kinds of consultations have been very helpful to the community energy sector in arguing for policy changes.
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Response to NESO Financial Instrument call for input.
The National Energy System Operator proposes a security fee' of £20k per MW for transmission connections to deter speculative or zombie applications. This would add around 20% to at-risk development costs for large scale projects and would render many large projects unfundable, thus damaging prospects for growing the sector to meet ambitous 8GW government targets
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CEE's Response to the Law Commission’s Review of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014
The Law Commission's proposals would endanger the continued existence of many community energy cooperatives and CBSs as many of the activities for which they were set up are prevented by one or the other set of rules. You can read CEE's consultation response to their proposals here.
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Threat to community energy growth from the Law Commission proposals
This Briefing outlines the potential threat to sector growth from the current Law Commission consultation, deadline 10 December 2024. Specific guidane for members to respond to the consultation will be published soon. NB this is not CEE's consultation response.
A leading community energy co-op director has said, “These reforms pose a fundamental threat to community energy. Some of the sector’s most vibrant organisations will be extinguished.”

Joint statement with the Climate Coalition asking for UK climate leadership at COP29
We signed this joint statement with a quotation from our Chair of Directors, Helen Seagrave, urging strong climate leadership at COP and enabling community leadership at home.
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