Here is a record of the policy responses we have submitted and our position on subjects that are receiving the attention of legislators. 

Joint letter from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall on onshore wind 

We signed this letter coordinated by Possible, along with at least 15 community energy colleagues, urging the government to open up onshore wind.

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CEE response to the BEIS consultation on the future of the CfD scheme 

BEIS asked a series of specific questions about technologies which community energy is either not involved in or is excluded from by the CfD being only for projects greater than 5 MW. We took the opportunity to make policy proposals on a Community Energy CfD pot, a requirement for an offer of community ownership and community benefit for projects to be eligible for CfDs.

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CEE Spring Budget Representation 

We made policy suggestions for the Budget on March 15 which included extend Social Investment Tax Relief beyond 2023, extend eligibility to community energy, fund a National Community Energy Fund and extend business rate reliefs and incentives to community energy.

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Joint letter to the Chancellor from energy trade associations 

"The Spring Statement is a key moment for the Government to signal its intention to invest in and remove
barriers to investment across the sector." We are working with the trade associations to get a meeting with the Chancellor. We do not agree with all the asks in the letter.

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Joint letter to the PM with Coop Group, Tesco, Morrisons and M&S 

We joined this Coop Group initiative requesting a more supportive environment for investment into renewables and community energy. The PM has responded offering a meeting with Grant Shapps, the SoS at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.

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Joint letter with Possible and NGOs to Secs of State on onshore renewables. 

In the face of threatened de facto ban on solar farms and the reversal of the planned opening up of onshore wind by the previous government we joined with Possible to write to relevant Secretaries of State

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