Here is a record of the policy responses we have submitted and our position on subjects that are receiving the attention of legislators. 

CEE response to Ofgem's call for input on the Future of Distributed Flexibility 

Ofgem are exploring how to proactively develop the market for distributed flexibility to include consumer energy resources (CERs) such as EVs. We explained some of the blocks CE organisation have experienced and urged the vital importance of CE in engaging people in active participation in the energy system including flexibility.

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CEE's response to Ofgem's Future of Local Energy Institutions and Governance consultation 

Ofgem is exploring creating a Regional System Planner role to create and hold plans for the localisation of the energy system. We argue planning needs to start more locally, as in Wales, with Local Area Energy Plans which are then combined to create regional then national system transformation plans. They are also looking at a market facilitator role for the development of a distributed flexibility market and whether DNOs should retain responsibility for real-time operations.

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CEE's response to the Permitted Development rights consultation for solar power. 

The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is consulting on opening up permitted development rights for solar on flat roofs, land surrounding heritage sites and solar canopies on car parks. We have urged them to remove barriers as far and fast as possible to the installation of solar. The consultation document is at:

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Chasing letter to Grant Shapps 

Having failed to include anything new for community energy in Powering Up Britain, just cut and paste responses we have seen before, we wrote asking for justification and a meeting

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Letter to the DESNZ Secretary of State urging he 'turbo-charge' community energy 

We wrote to Grant Shapps on 8 March urging he take the advice in Chris Skidmore's Net Zero Review and turbo-charge community energy in his revised Net Zero Strategy due at the end of March. He failed to do this. See our chasing response on 17 April.

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CEE and others' response to the onshore wind planning consultation 

The government's 'Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy consultation' claimed to relax planning constraint that have effectively banned onshore wind in England since 2015. Unfortunately they will do little or nothing to increase installation of onshore wind, which is essential to achieving urgent and legally binding climate targets. Our response was co-signed by Power to Change, Plymouth Energy Community, en10ergy, Communities for Renewables CIC, Atlantic Energy Ltd, Bishop’s Castle Climate Action Group and the Othona Community.

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