How to do Energy Advice
What kind of Energy Advice can you offer?
Energy advice can be broadly categorised in the stages outlined below, from simple energy awareness and behaviour change advice, through to "first retrofit" - actually supporting homeowners to implement energy efficiency measures in their homes. Read below for the types of activity, advice and resource required for each level of energy advice to see which one matches what your organisation wants to or does currently offer, and what the possibilities are for developing your service further to increase its impact.
Stage 1 - Energy Awareness Advice Service
Click here to go to our guide to setting up an Energy Awareness Advice service
Stage 2 - Energy Efficiency Advice Service
Click here to go to our guide to setting up an Energy Efficiency Advice service
Stage 3 - Retrofit Assessment Service
Click here to go to our guide to setting up a Retrofit Assessment Advice service
Training, ideas and guides
Click here for a library of Resources to support you to establish and run the services above.
South East London Community Energy (SELCE) - blog on healthy home temperatures and dealing with draughts