Obtaining funding

CEE collates a number of resources to help you look at funding for your work and projects. As well as the specific resources below, CEE events and our national newsletter are great way to keep updated on latest funding oppurtunities. To sign up to our newsletter, groups can register here. Our events pages also contain all upcoming CEE events and events by Friends and Members. You do not need to be a member of CEE to use these services, though you will get more features as a member of CEE. See more information on membership here

Our finances and funding page & database 

Updated regularly with the latest funds coming into the sector from CEE events and sector expertise. Includes a section on non-grant and investment options. Avaliable here

Local Authority funds spreadsheet 

To help groups navigate the array of funds out there with local authority partners. Avaliable through the CEE funding page and database, or direct link to document avaliable here

Co-funding projects (quick routes to action)

Take a look at options to co-fund projects, especially in community solar. These may be the quickest routes to action for new and starting groups especially. Avaliable here

Share offers and advertising your latest investments 

We also host a page dedicated for you to share your latest share offers and investment opportunities to help gain greater awareness and funding potential, avaliable here

If you are interested in joining our national network for more bespoke support (starting at £28 / year) you can find more information on features here