Community Energy England - the national network
As well as regional networks and support bodies, CEE offers a range of resources and ways to connect with other groups and projects nationally (with 300+ members in 2023). Our New Getting Started with Community Energy Guide has been created in partnership with the Net Zero Hubs and Community Energy South and contains a full list of all relevant CEE resources, as well as an overview of our public and member only resources. Some key highlights are below, but we recommend looking at the Guide for full information. For those interested in member only resources, please visit our membership page to consider joining the national network today.
National map for the sector (public)
Created in 2022 by CEE and England’s five Net Zero Hubs, this national map collates the most comprehensive database on community energy projects and groups existing nationally. The map receives around 5000 views a month, so for groups wanting good additional visibility you can begin by adding your projects and work to the map here.
Events (public, with members priority)
CEE also hosts a regular schedule of national events, as well as a page for events hosted by CEE’s Members and Friends to help you connect to the sector and learn together, throughout the year. Members gain priority speaking places at upcoming CEE Events, Members are able to submit events to the CEE Members and Friends page. See the below guide on how to submit your own events to the CEE website (member only resource) if interested.
Loomio - national online forum for community energy practitioners (members only)
A simple online forum designed for community energy groups to connect, share resources, project learning and technical knowledge, ask questions, and accelerate their work. The forum is reserved for Community Energy England community members only, to make sure it’s a safe space for open discussion and questions. More information on requesting access to Loomio is here.